Management by objectives is a method which is used in modern companies with flat hierarchy. It does not matter whether you work with sophisticated company goals or simply define planned sales, new customers and volume. It is important to communicate these goals to your employees, so that they have them clearly in mind and act focussed.
You need Sales Controls to give feedback to each seller and allow them self-control. So, the feeling of pressure to succeed becomes a clear sales compass from plan to actual. This is not only benefit to the seller – it brings the whole company one step ahead.
To implement Sales Controls is done in three steps:
First, we agree on clear sales goals that are consistent with your business goals. For example, one could decide that sales in a region should reach a certain level in the current year.
Then we must find out where we get the actual values from. In the example, one could take the revenue accounts from the accounting.
During the year, sales are regularly reconciled with the goals, in such way that at first glance it is clear where the journey is going. Because nobody wants to spend hours brooding over tables of number columns.
It is my job to provide well-arranged infographics from the flood of data that you can view at the end of each week, month or whenever you need it.
So, the whole team steers with the same compass and you reach your goals with ease.